Produkte & Unternehmen

Lavanthaus - Application for subsidies for BVH Lavanthaus

Project goal

We support the Wolfsberger Stadtwerke GmbH with the procession of the application for the subsidies on renewable energies offered by Kommunalkredit Public Consulting GmbH.

Consulting Austrian Eco Label - Dorfhotel Schönleitn


Project goal

The goal is the accompanying consulting  to obtain the Austrian eco-label for tourism enterprises.

As part of the ecolabel-consulting an energy and waste management concept for the "Dorfhotel Schönleitn" was created.

Life Cycle Assessment of a product by the company Heraklith AG

Project goal

The creation of a life cycle assessment of a product by the company Heraklith AG.

Filing support for the obtainment of the AUB Environmental Declaration


Project goal

We support the company Heraklith GmbH in obtaining the AUB Environmental Declaration (EPD) and the Austrian Eco Label for the magenesite-bound wood wool lightweight boards Heraklith based on current research (Life Cycle Assessment, declaration sheets of the Institute for Building Biology and Ecology IBO).


Projektentwicklung und Projektmanagement


Dem Projekt voran steht eine Vision oder ein übergeordnetes Ziel. Die Projektentwicklung umfasst die Ideenfindung und die Konzeption eines Projektes. Die Projektentwicklung besteht demnach aus der Summe aller Entscheidungen, Planungen und anderen Maßnahmen die erforderlich sind um die Machbarkeit einer Idee zu prüfen. Um ein anvisiertes Ziel zu erreichen, ist in der Folge ein Projektmanagement erforderlich, welches die Gesamtheit von Definition, Organisation, Planung, Steuerung und Abschluss eines Projektes umfasst.

VEMED - Bilanz - Identification of PVC-containing medical articles and drawing of the corresponding PVC balances

Project goal

The project goal is to draw the PVC balances for the hospitals of the Viennese Hospital Association (KAV). This way, the most relevant PVC-containing invasive medical articles can be identified, and the basics can be developed for an efficient phasing-out of medical PVC-containing articles.

VEMED - SURV – Employment of PVC-free articles

Project goal

The project aims at identifying PVC-free alternatives for the most relevant PVC-containing articles applied in the Viennese hospitals and geriatric centres,  and at creating the basics towards an efficient PVC phasing-out.


VEMED - IDEE – Identification of PVC-free articles and promotion of production and employment of PVC-free medical articles

Project goal 

The goal is to  to create the basics for an efficient phasing-out of PVC-containing medical articles, considering the current state (2004) registered in an individual campaign. Together with the Viennese Hospital Association, PVC-free alternatives are identified and introduced at selected wards. The latter practice-related test serves an enhanced use of PVC-free medical articles in future.

VEMED - INFO – Information of the hospital-employees of the Viennese Hospital Association on the options for an effective phasing-out of PVC-free medical articles

Project goal 

The project aims at identifying PVC-free alternatives for the most relevant PVC-containing articles applied in the Viennese hospitals and geriatric centres, and creating  the basics towards an efficient PVC phasing-out. With the data available as a solid background, the hospitals-members of the Viennese Hospital Association are sensitised, informed and given due support by means of well-founded PR and training campaigns. Tailored training materials, e.g. folders, leaflets and posters as well as information events, serve the targeted information and training at the hospital wards, completed by PVC-free alternatives identified.

VEMED II – Enhancement of the Base for an Efficient Phasing-out of PVC-containing Medical Articles


Project goal

The goal is to support the hospitals of the KAV in the efficient phase-out of PVC-containing medical articles. This way, the basis for a phase-out of PVC-containing medical article will be enhanced and the hospitals will be supported in their efforts for the phase out.