Material-, Stoff- und Energiebilanzen

ILMA - Analyse, Bewertung und Optimierung der Masseflüsse von Lebensmitteln u. Lebensmittelabfällen in der lebensmittelverarbeiteten Industrie

BMLFUW, Martina Siebenhandl, Weichkäseherstellung

Konsumverhalten und Mangel an Kommunikation in der Versorgungskette sind gemäß FAO die wichtigsten Ursachen für die Entstehung von Lebensmittelabfällen in den Industrieländern. Das Wegwerfen von Lebensmittelabfällen ist aus ethischen und Ressourcengründen nicht sinnvoll. Das Projekt ILMA leistet einen Beitrag zur Abfallvermeidung, zur Optimierung der Verwertung der während der Lebensmittelverarbeitung anfallenden Lebensmittelabfälle und somit zur Ressourcenschonung.

VIsion 2050 - Smart City Villach


Project goal

The main goal of this project is to form a consortium of stakeholders and to develop a common vision of Villach as a smart city. Central to this process will be a sequence of stakeholder workshops. The outcome of the workshops will be transferred into strategy documents, implementation plans and binding agreements between stakeholders.

Ökofit Deurotherm - eco profile of Deurotherm insulation

The goal of the project is to issue an eco profile of a design configuration with deurotherm insulation system and comparison with other design configurations.

SFA Serbien

Ziel ist es, Projektbegleitung und fachliche Unterstützung bei der Planung, Datenerhebung und der Anwendung und Interpretation der Ergebnisse der Stoffflussanalysen.

ReMa-AT - Operationalisation of the results of the Cu-household of Austria as a contribution to a copper resource management in Austria

The goal of the project is to operationalize the actions, developed in the Cu-household of Austria, thus increasing the resource efficiency in Austria. For the chosen actions a Roadmap and a Masterplan are created. Both show the possibilities of the implementation of the resource efficiency of the cooper-household. Furthermore the impact of the actions on some areas (resource index, CO2-Emission, Jobs, Green Jobs, regional value added) are estimated and evaluated.

Ökofit KIOTO - ecology profile of a photovoltaic module

The goal of the project is to make an ecology profile of a photovoltaic module of the firm KIOTO Photovoltaics GmbH and to evaluate the data basis for an ecology balance.

Ökofit Bau Sztriberny - Ecology profile and energy balance for an one-family-house

The goal of the project is to make an ecology profile and an energy balance for an one-family-house ("Sonnenhaus").

Preparation of an eco-profile of the prefabricated house "WIGO-Haus"

The goal of the project is to prepare an eco-profile of the prefabricated house "WIGO-Haus".

VIsion 2050 - Initiation

The Project goal was the coordination of the Partners of the consortium with the aim to hand in a research request by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) in time. The concerned funding programme is called "Smart Energy Demo - FIT for SET" and is supported by the climate and energy fond. The content of the request is the development of a Smart City Vision 2050, a Roadmap for 2020 and an Action Plan for 2012-2015 for the city of Villach.

VEMED Neo – Identification of PVC-containing articles **

Project goal

The goal is the identification and quantification of PVC-containing medical invasive afferent articles and articles with body contact in the 5 neonatology locations of the Vienna Hospital Association (AKH, Sozialmedizinisches Zentrum Ost - Donauspital, Krankenanstalt Rudolfstiftung, Kinderklinik Glanzing mit Neonatologie und Psychosomatik im Wilhelminenspital, Sozialmedizinisches Zentrum Süd - Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Spital mit Gottfried von Preyer'schem Kinderspital).