Haus der Zukunft

ALC NÖ – After Life Communication Lower Austria

The goal of the project ist organize together with the Office of the State Government of Lower Austria, The Federal Economic Chamber of Lower Austria (Wirtschaftskammer NÖ) and the Construction.Energy.Environment Cluster of Lower Austria (Bau.Energie.Umwelt Cluster NÖ) an information event with the topic "resources efficiency in the building industry - planing and realising the proper treatment of construction waste".

nako VGK – Administration building Carinthia - Sustainability coordination

Project goal

The goal is to initiate the consideration of aspects of sustainability  in the planning and construction process. These are for example the high social and ecological quality by low operating- and disposal costs, well-being in the workplace, increased resale value of the building, lower renovation costs and elevated environmental protection, especially the use of renewable resources, the regional efficiency and energy optimization. A checklist was created, which shows the possibility how to integrate these aspects of sustainability in the construction process without treating the implementation of these points. As a further basis for decisions for the planning team substantial constructions were evaluated and suggestions of research- and development work of the relevant scientific literatur derived, which lead to a sustainable improvement of the tested components.

Sustainability coordination Lakeside Science Park (LSP)


Project goal

The goal is to perform sustainability coordination for the construction of the Lakeside Sience & Technology Park. This includes the coordination of sustainability and eco-efficiency measures for (i) planning and conception, (ii) ecological construction site and (iii) Eco-efficient cleaning and management.

NAVERKÄR – Criteria for sustainable construction

Project goal

The goal is to to create a catalog of criteria with internationally accepted guidelines on "sustainable buildingfor the reconstruction of the administrative building of the Government of Carinthia.

hera_id_Nachhaltigkeitsprofil – Product and System Development for Thermal Rehabilitation of Old Buildings

Projekt - HeraID

Project goal

The goal of the project is to develop a sustainability profile of the Heraklith BM - Panel by means of an indicator and criteria list. The latter are applied to assess the insulation panel. A technical and scientific goal is also the definition of the indicator „Regional efficiency“, which has not been considered hitherto in standard eco-balances and which shall depict the environmental impacts and the product relevance in the regional context as background.


NaBau Fibel – Manual on “Sustainable Construction“

NaBau Fibel.JPG

Project goal

The goal refers to the compilation of the information currently available on the future-oriented issue of sustainable construction. The Manual includes also the crucial criteria to serve as inspiration and incentive as well as to be followed by all actors in the field of civil engineering and commissioners.

HdZ TransSÜD - Active Know-how Transfer Gained under the Austrian „House of the Future“


Project goal

Goal of the project is the dissemination of know-how gathered within the projects implemented under the national programme „House of the Future“ among the actors of the Sustainable Construction Network in the Austrian province of Carinthia “NaBauPool”, as well as to transfer this knowledge also to other stakeholders in the construction industry in Austria that are interested in sustainable construction materials and technology.


nasa – Guideline on Sustainable Building Reconstruction


Project goal

The objective is to promote the acceptance, the technical and organizational support and the creation of implementation-oriented basis for sustainable rehabilitation and modernization projects in buildings; in a plain, clear and user-oriented form.

Haus der Zukunft


Der Gebäudesektor hat eine große ökologische und wirtschaftliche Relevanz. Für die nächsten Jahrzehnte werden bedeutende klimatische und sozioökonomische Veränderungen erwartet, die sich auch auf den Neubau und die Sanierung von Gebäuden auswirken werden. Von Entscheidungsträgern der Europäischen Union wurde der Weg zu "Niedrigstenergiegebäuden" bis hin zu "Plus-Energie-Gebäuden" als Marschrichtung definiert.