
RMA bezogene aktuelle Informationen

Energy Performance Certification (Energieausweis), Carinthia, Villach


Calculation of Energy Performance Certifications (Energieausweise) for every kind of building. Please contact us: 04242/36522. More info

RepaRegio - Repair-Network Region Villach


The goal is to develop a repair and service network for regional value creation and networking of small companies in the Villach city region.

You have got something to repair? Call: 0650 / 8386275 (Di. - Do. von 10 - 12 Uhr)



"klima:aktiv" Regional Partner


RMA regional partner in Carinthia. Partner for energy efficiency, building ecology and economy. 

New "klima:aktiv" house in Carinthia

Resource Management Agency assisted the declaration and checked the applicable documents. Congratulations to the family and the participating companies.