
The following list shows all projects of the RMA with its title, and the project goal. Alternatively you can view here a table view.


ÖKOPOLIS – Urban Resource Management

Project goal

The objective was to survey and assess diffuse metal emissions and develop a pollutant management based on ecologically sustainable development. By means of the methodology of Material Flow Analysis, the employment of building materials containing zinc, copper, lead and aluminium and diffuse emissions of the most important applications have been accounted in a representative housing settlement. The most important application areas are building coverings, sanitary installations, outside facilities (e.g. fences) and supply networks.

AWAST – Aid in the Management and European Comparison of Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Methods for a Global and Sustainable Approach

Project goal

The AWAST project objective is to meet this need by providing end-users and stakeholders with a flexible decision support tool that, in a comprehensive approach, takes into account technical, energetic and economic aspects, and also the social and environmental issues. 

LIFE-Environment – Technical support for monitoring of LIVE actions (environment) in Austria

Project goal

The goal is to support the current LIFE projects in Austria (Environment) commissioned by the European Commission.

AVEMA – Evaluation of waste prevention potentials of a municipal administration

Project goal

The goal is to evaluate the waste prevention potentials of three selected municipal departments of the City of Vienna

FCKW 2000 – Feasility study on disposal of CFC residual waste

Project goal

The goal is to sensitize the stakeholders (industry sectors especially from the building sector, of the insulation material industry and the waste management industry, professional associations, governments,...) on the CFC issue and to develop a strategy plan for environmentally compatibel disposal of accumulated CFCs.

SFA_Br_CH - Material flows analysis of polybrominated flame retardants

Project goal

The goal is to create a material flow analysis for the four selected representatives of brominated flame retardants (Decabromodyphenyl oxide [DBDPO], Octabromodyphenyl oxide [OBDPO], Pentabromodyphenyl oxide [PBDPO], Tetrabromobisphenyl A [TBBPA]) as a basis for derivation of policy recommendations.

GEVA - Capturing and recycling of waste paper

Project goal

The goal of this study is to create an informative basis for the collecting and recycling of waste paper in Austria , considering the goals of the Waste Management Act (AWG).


AgWin - Waste water relevant silver loads in Vienna

Project goal

The goal of this project is to provide a silver balance for the City of Vienna, whereby a special attention is paid to those silver loads which flow into the sewerage.

ALU-Ö - Flows of aluminum in Austria

Project goal
The goal is to capture the balance of the aluminum-houshold of the licensed aluminum in Austria, to explain the fate of  8,000 - 9,000 t of licensed but not recycled aluminum packages. The starting point is an analysis of the entire aluminum household of Austria, which  is subdivided in its central areas. This includes the aluminum production and -processing, consumption of aluminum products and the collection of aluminum and the proportion of aluminum in the waste. In a further step the proportion of the licensed aluminum will be detached from the entire aluminum household.

Footprint – The ecological footprint of the city Vienna

Project goal
The goal of this project is to estimate and characterise the Ecological Footprint of the City of Vienna. The “theoretical” area describing the resource consumption of the city is that area required to satisfy and maintain the Viennese population’s social and economic standard of living.